PR & Events Management
Canfield's Learning Styles Inventory
This was an exercise that the whole class had to do and it was our first individual activity done in class. We learnt our own personal learning style and understand how we learn and absorb information.
For myself, my style of learning is through reading and listening - not sure how accurate is this because I think I learn more from practical approaches. In conditions section, I scored highest in Organisation, Competition, Detail and Authority. According to the interpretation, I function by being logical, clearly organised, detail oriented and competitive.
I admit I am a competitive person by nature, which is a fundamentality for my chosen field of work. I have to check out my competition so I'd know the angles to improve myself and keep up the effort of doing so. I'm not obsessively concern with my competitions but I am in a constant mode of self-betterment to stay afloat of all competitions.
As for Detail, I am a detail oriented person. Being a PR and an Event Management student, I was always taught details are crucial as it can make or break a career. Authority wise, I was told that I do not settle for anything that is said to be unalterable or inevitable. I would always go out of my way or figure out a way to get the best possible option at hand.