PR & Events Management
Managing Change
Everyone was instructed to turn our chairs and sit in a circle.
It was early in the morning and somehow my class had transformed into an AA group meeting. Ms Pang, our Personal Development lecturer, explained that we should all share a piece of our past experience when we have encountered change and how we manage to cope with it. At the same time, she passed an envelope to each one of us to write our names on it. We were allowed to design or draw anything we want on the envelope.
Some students volunteered to share their experience while some stayed quiet. I was one of those that sat quietly. I did not share anything that morning not because I was shy to speak up, I prefer to listen and observe. That is just the person that I am, I am not quick to speak first but prefer to keep to myself while listening to others.
Too many in this world prefer to speak and fighting to be heard, too few are listening and too few choose to listen. I was once eager to speak without first listening, I managed to change that when I realise listening effectively is more of a powerful form of communication. Simply because it put things into perspectives and enable one to posses depth understanding.